Our aproach

Ninety-minute blocks 

Our classes are not 45 minutes long, but an hour and a half long, we take breaks as needed. It doesn't ring for us. 

Casual environment 

We prefer brisk work over peace and order. Our classrooms are equipped with mobile furniture, which we adjust according to needs. When the weather is good, we also teach outside in the garden. We include movement and mindfulness techniques in the classes. 

Individual and team work, project teaching 

We combine all teaching methods from face-to-face to group. Teachers often collaborate and harmonize educational goals not only within individual subjects, but across the entire curriculum, we create assignments on which students work long-term, either individually or in a team. 

Connections with companies 

We often invite guests who are experts on the given topic to the classes. Some are a permanent part of the team and teach regularly every week. 

Effective communication 

We prefer flexible and objective communication and problem solving when needed. We interact with students. We also use modern technologies for effective communication. One example is the school's discord server, which allows us to inform the entire school within seconds. 

Option to connect online 

We include students who had to stay at home due to illness, but who want to be active, to the classes. We build the curriculum in such a way that it can be used online and that students can continue the divided work at home.